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About Anna Marie

About Anna Marie

About Anna Marie PullOverAndLetMeOut

Hi, I’m Anna Marie Jehorek. I’m a wife, mother, Irish dancer, homeschool teacher, and pug mom living in North Carolina. I also love to travel.

However, I don’t always get to visit faraway exotic places but I’ve found some pretty amazing sites nonetheless. In my work as a travel writer I’ve discovered, there’s always something to see just around the corner. That’s why I started this blog.

You know how sometimes you’re on a trip and you see something that catches your attention and you say, “Pull over and let me out.”?

Well, at I explore destinations throughout the Southeastern U.S. and beyond, sharing my experience so others can take my information and tips to plan their own adventures to those destinations.

Additionally, I have a great love for places that are slightly out of the ordinary. I seek to explore and describe some of the lesser-known locations we often drive by.

This may not be the year I get to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but I’ll still travel. Come along for the ride! If you see something you like, don’t be afraid to say,  ‘Pull over and let me out.’

If you’d like to contact me or you have a great destination you’d like to share, send an email to me at

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