You may be wondering, “Why Pull Over and Let Me Out?”
There are a couple of reasons for the name – first a little back-story.
When I was in my 20’s I traveled. I vacationed in Ireland each summer. I went to places like London, New York, Las Vegas, Denver, Nashville, Phoenix, Boston, San Francisco, Maui. I got to explore and enjoy seeing the world. Well, with the addition of husband and kid it seems I don’t make it to all the places I may want to visit. Nonetheless, I do get to travel.
Recently I was talking with a good friend who travels extensively for his job. He’s seen the world. As he was telling me some of the amazing places he’s been all I could think was, “I’ve been to the world’s largest hand-dug well.”
That’s when the light came on. Travel is where ever you are.
I’d been working as a local travel writer for an online publication and the more I began exploring my surroundings, the more inspired I became to write about those lesser-known places I visit. That’s what Pull Over and Let Me Out is all about. There’s so much to see and do in places we might never consider. Places across town, across the state or across the country.
At I’ll share those tourist spots and If I can inject a little bit of humor, fantastic. What’s an adventure if you don’t get to laugh once in a while?
Oh, and the name?
That came from a road trip I took with my best friend from childhood. We were driving from Maryland to Williamsburg, Virginia. The one request I made when we set off on our journey was to be able to read every historical marker we came across.
You guessed it, “pull over and let me out.” The rest is history.
I hope you’ll enjoy this website and if you have a place you’ve discovered and want to share, by all means, please let me know.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost Tweet
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