Travel Back in Time

Patrick Henry’s law office is an original building on the grounds of Red Hill.

Patrick Henry the Man
“I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.” ~ Patrick Henry
This is one of my favorite lines from Patrick Henry’s famous speech made on March 23, 1775, because of its profundity. Learning from the past is crucial and at Red Hill it’s the specialty. Spending time in his home, his law office, exploring the property, and stopping at his tomb, gives an understanding of Patrick Henry the man.

Patrick Henry Jolly is Patrick Henry at Red Hill.
An Awesome July 4th
If you can swing it, plan a July 4th visit to Red Hill. It’s a fun and unique way to commemorate the nation’s birth. The day is special, full of living history, food, music, and culminating with a fireworks extravaganza.
Our visit was dampened slightly by what the Weather Channel called isolated thunderstorms, but the weather didn’t impede the celebration. Only moments after Patrick Henry’s 5th-great-grandson, Patrick Henry Jolly, finished a poignant rendition of Henry’s “Give Me Liberty” speech, the sky opened up. Everyone waited patiently in their cars and promptly at 9:15, despite a slight drizzle – Fireworks! An impressive 20-minute display rivaling most I’ve seen at larger venues.

Bring lawn chairs and claim a spot for viewing an impressive fireworks display.
Something For Everyone at Red Hill

Turning flax into linen, one of the living history demonstrations at Red Hill.
Plan Your Visit
Patrick Henry was a major landowner and of all the property he acquired, he chose Red Hill near Brookneal, Virginia as his final home. The verdant acreage in rural southern Virginia hasn’t changed all that much since Patrick Henry’s time and that’s part of its appeal.
Red Hill is about 38-miles south of Lynchburg, VA, two-hours southwest of Richmond, and a little over 2-hours north of Raleigh, North Carolina. It’s open Monday – Saturday 9 am to 5 pm and Sunday 1 pm to 5 pm with winter hours November 1st through March 31st.
Admission is reasonably priced with the most expensive ticket being $8 for adults. Lower rates apply for seniors, students, military, and AAA. Groups are welcome but in order to procure a group rate, call ahead.
In addition to Red Hill, there are several other points of interest in the area to consider when planning an itinerary such as the Southern Virginia Wine Trail, Appomattox, and the Tobacco Heritage Trail. There’s also an array of choices of accommodations in nearby Lynchburg, South Boston, and Appomattox listed on the Red Hill website and a brand new B&B, The Pruitt House, in Brookneal.

Patrick Henry, his wife Dorothea, and several other Henry family members are buried at Red Hill.