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Anna Marie

10 Travel-Related Things to Do Without Leaving The House

A woman sipping coffee outside
Hi, I’m Anna Marie. I’m a wife, mother, Irish dancer, and pug mom living in North Carolina. I also love to travel. Come along for the ride! If you see something you like, don’t be afraid to say, ‘Pull over and let me out.’

Whether it’s a cashflow issue, timing or a global pandemic, sometimes it’s not convenient to jet off and take that hard-earned holiday or vacation. However, just because you find yourself homebound, doesn’t mean traveling is beyond the bounds of possibility. With a little imagination and creativity, it’s possible to see the world from the comfort of your sofa. Here’s a list of 10 travel-related things to do without leaving the house. 

If you’ve already read this article and are ready to plan your trip, click on this image.

10 Travel-Related Things to Do Without Leaving The House

1. Make a Dream Board

They say, if you visualize what you want, it’s more likely to happen. Making a dream board is an easy and inexpensive step you can take to make travel dreams reality. Even better, you don’t need to leave home to make a dream board. Collect pictures of places you dream of visiting, make a collage with the pictures, and put it some place you’ll see it often. All you need is some poster board, a glue stick, and pictures. Start dreaming!

2. Save Money

It’s always a great time to save money for travel and it’s easy to do without leaving the house. There are dozens of ways to sock away funds for that future trip. One of my favorites is a change jar. Decorate a jar and start dropping your spare change in it at the end of each day. You’ll be amazed how quickly it adds up. To learn other great methods of money saving, click here.  12 Ways To Save Money For Travel. 

3. Build a Capsule Wardrobe For Travel

If you find yourself housebound, why not take advantage of the time to work on building a capsule wardrobe for travel? Clean out your closet, keep the garments you still wear, and toss or donate the old things. Shop online to find the core pieces you’ll need to complete your travel wardrobe without leaving the house.

In the era of carry-on travel, building a capsule wardrobe is practical and sensible. To learn more about building a capsule wardrobe, read How To Build A Capsule Wardrobe For Travel. 

4. Read Travel Blogs & Join Facebook Groups

I don’t know about you, but I learn so much about neat places and destinations by reading travel blogs. Yes, this travel blogger reads travel blogs!

Whether it’s a blogger I follow or simply someone’s article I found via Google search, travel blogs are indispensable. Not only do bloggers share the ins and outs of visiting sites and details you don’t ordinarily get from brochures, but they also share the personal side of their experiences. Travel blogs truly are the new media when it comes to making travel plans.

Another great ‘at home’ travel resource is Facebook Groups. There are a multitude of awesome travel-related Facebook Groups. The groups are comprised of people who love traveling and sharing insights, tips, and inspiration with other travel lovers. These groups make it possible to gather information and have helpful conversations about traveling without leaving the house.

5. Read Books

Travel the world via the written word! When traveling is out of the question, pick up a great book and escape to exotic locations. Books bring the world to you.

If you’re looking for a great travel-related read, check out 21 Books That Inspire Wanderlust. Or, it’s not too late to get in on the 2020 Wanderlust Reading Challenge.

6. Build Your Dream Itinerary

There are dozens of online trip itinerary planners and builders to assist with creating and organizing your plans. Take advantage of time at home to plan out that dream adventure you want to take in the future. I like the websiteTrip30 for building itineraries because I can create a shareable link to give to friends and family who are then able to keep up with my travels when I’m on the road.

7. Travel Via Film & Television

Netflix, Amazon, Hulu – they’re perfect for traveling the world without leaving your house. Movies about or set in locations you most want to visit give the traveler who isn’t traveling the ideal outlet. Explore the world from the comfort of your living room through television and film. Under The Tuscan Sun, Sideways, Leap Year, and Pride and Prejudice are movies that sweep me away – every time. 

8. Make a Scrap Book

Revisit your last vacation and make a scrap book. Gather the photographs and mementoes from a favorite trip and relive the moments, all the while creating a wonderful keepsake, you’ll have for years to come. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and creativity. 

9. Virtual Tours

Taking virtual tours is a fantastic option when you’re not able to visit in person. Many of the world’s most famous museums and galleries as well as zoos and other attractions have webcams or virtual tours. A simple online search may transport you to another place. If you’d like to learn more about museums offering virtual tours, Southern Living Magazine has a great list. Here’s the link.

10. Cooking

Is there a country you’re dreaming of visiting?

Is there a place you fell in love with and are eager to return?

Have you ever purchased a cookbook while traveling?

Cooking is a great way to travel without leaving the house. Get out those recipes and stir up a tasty meal or bake a favorite treat and allow the flavors and aromas to bring a sense of place to life. 

When I want to be reminded of traveling to Ireland, I break out my favorite scone recipe and get busy baking. Hot scones and a cup of tea always takes me back to the Emerald Isle.


Something I do all the time that allows me to travel without leaving the house is listen to the radio online. I have an app on my phone for my favorite Irish station and listen faithfully while dreaming of and planning my next visit. If there’s a city or country you’d love to visit, odds are, you can find a radio station there streaming online. 

Have I missed anything?

Tell me, what travel-related things do you do without leaving the house? Let me know in the comments below and as always, Happy Travels!

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