I’m a big fan of ghost tours mainly because I learn so much history about an area. My husband and son went ghost hunting with me in Roswell, GA. If you’re ever in the Atlanta area it’s a lot of fun and not too scary for the young ones.

Do you believe in ghosts? You may say no now, but the Roswell Ghost Tourmight change your mind. This walking tour through the historic district of Roswell, Georgia tells tales of paranormal activity. Hear the stories of women still waiting for their men to return from war, of the slave who fell from a window to his death and still wanders around dazed and confused unaware he is dead or of the town hangman whose angry spirit is still surrounding his home. None of the stories are made up.
The tour begins at the bandstand in Roswell Square across from the visitor center and takes 2 hours but covers just over a mile and is an easy walk. As darkness takes over the sky the spirit activity comes to life. This tour makes stops at some of Roswell’s antebellum homes that Sherman did not burn. Bulloch Hall, Mimosa Hall and Jimmy Carter’s Roswell White House are all on the tour as well as the stories of paranormal activity that takes place behind the walls of these old homes.
Your guide will take you to some of the most haunted sites in Roswell such as the millworker’s quarters where the moans of the deceased are still heard today. A highlight of the tour is a stop at Founders Cemetery. This cemetery is the burial site of the towns founder Roswell King and is where significant paranormal activity has been recorded. While taking the tour, this reporter experienced unexplained camera difficulties and several others in the group had trouble with their cell phones and cameras. Was this caused by paranormal entities? Perhaps.
A digital camera is a must for your tour. The naked eye does not always see what the camera captures. Balls of light called orbs appear almost like snowflakes on digital cameras. Paranormal experts believe that orbs are spirits or lingering energy from deceased entities. You be the judge.
Roswell Ghost Tour is in its eleventh year and is a family member of TAPS. They are active paranormal investigators ‘who promise to thrill, educate and enlighten with this experience.’
Do ghosts really exist? You may want to take the Roswell Ghost Tour and decide for yourself.